Alula, August 08, 2023, In a groundbreaking event set to take place on Saturday, August 26th, the picturesque city of AlUla is poised to host the inaugural AlUla Desert Blaze. This extraordinary running challenge will see participants from across the globe converge in a test of endurance, braving scorching summer temperatures that soar to a staggering 42°C (107°F).
In an exclusive statement, Phillip Jones, the esteemed Chief Tourism Officer at the Royal Commission for AlUla, expressed his enthusiasm for the AlUla Desert Blaze. Jones emphasized that this extraordinary event promises to be a truly transformative experience, offering participants an unparalleled opportunity to gain a fresh and distinctive outlook on the ancient city of AlUla.
In a recent statement, he expressed, "Our relentless efforts to expand our range of attractions for global tourists are evident, and the AlUla Desert Blaze stands as a remarkable addition to the already abundant offerings of this destination. It promises to captivate the hearts of adventure seekers and sports enthusiasts, providing them with an unparalleled and unforgettable experience."
In a momentous event, the race is set to commence within the hallowed grounds of Hegra, Saudi Arabia's inaugural UNESCO Heritage Site. Runners from far and wide have gathered, eagerly awaiting the start of the highly anticipated 5km, 10km, and 21km races. Participants embarking on the challenging 42-kilometer route will commence their epic journey at the prestigious Maraya, a remarkable multi-purpose entertainment venue nestled in the heart of the picturesque Ashar Valley.
In a recent announcement, Jones urged individuals who are eager to take part in the event to swiftly register for a chance to win substantial cash rewards. Additionally, avid supporters who are keen on attending the race are advised to secure their race tickets promptly through the official website,