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  • Ahmed Saleh

Albudaiwi: Bahrain's Hosting of Executive Bureau of GCC Labour and Social Affairs Council Stems from

Manama, August 06, 2023, El Secretario General del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo (CCG), Jassem Mohamed Albudaiwi, afirmó que la celebración de la Oficina Ejecutiva del Consejo de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales del CCG en el Reino de Bahrein refleja el compromiso del Reino con el fortalecimiento de la interdependencia y la integración entre los pases del Consejo de Cooperación y sus pueblos. Albudaiwi, in his participation at the opening ceremony of the new headquarters of the Executive Bureau of the GCC Labour and Social Affairs Council today in the Kingdom of Bahrain, made these remarks. En su discurso, Albudaiwi expresó gratitud y aprecio al Rey Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa del Reino de Bahréin por su generoso respaldo a la acción conjunta del Golfo. This support has had a profound effect on the Council's initiatives, resulting in significant efforts and impacts. Furthermore, Albudaiwi emphasized the fact that the Kingdom has been a gracious host to numerous headquarters and bureaus associated with the General Secretariat of the GCC. Among these is the Executive Bureau, which has found its home within the Kingdom's borders since 1978. This is a clear demonstration of the Kingdom's unwavering commitment to fostering Gulf cooperation and its determination to offer the essential infrastructure and services required for the success of these bureaus and headquarters. The Secretary-General of the GCC underscored the utmost importance that the GCC nations place on matters pertaining to labor, highlighting the diverse measures they have implemented to harmonize their legislations, protocols, and frameworks with global commitments, particularly those outlined by the International Labour Organization. Albudaiwi emphasized that the Islamic faith, in addition to the customs, traditions, and values of the GCC peoples, upholds the principles of respect, preservation of rights, goodwill, and humanity in all spheres and arenas. Albudaiwi, in his concluding remarks, expressed his fervent hope that the newly established headquarters of the Bureau would serve as a catalyst for heightened commitment, active participation, and genuine collaboration in the realm of labor and social affairs within the Gulf region. He also extended his prayers to Allah the Almighty, asking for the ongoing security, safety, and prosperity of the GCC states and their people under the wise guidance of the leaders of the Cooperation Council.

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