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  • Ahmed Saleh

Arab League reaffirms strong support for Somalia against sovereignty attacks

Cairo, February 22, 2024, The Arab League has reaffirmed its unwavering support for the Federal Republic of Somalia in the face of attacks on its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The league expressed its endorsement of Somalia's vision aimed at fortifying the nation's security and stability in a statement issued by the league's General Secretariat. This statement followed Assistant Secretary-General Ambassador Khalil Ibrahim Al-Thawadi delivering a written message to Somalia's President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, on behalf of the league's Secretary-General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

The league's support is in alignment with Resolution No. 8988, issued by the league's council on January 17. Ambassador Al-Thawadi conveyed to President Mohamud the various measures undertaken by the Arab League to bolster Somalia, emphasizing the significance of the resolution. This included messages sent by Aboul Gheit to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, underscoring the league's commitment to reinforcing Somalia's position and promoting regional stability.

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