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  • Ahmed Saleh

Arab Parliament vehemently rejects and condemns proposals against Gaza displacement

Cairo, January 4, 2024, The Arab Parliament has strongly voiced its rejection and condemnation of any proposals advocating the displacement of the Palestinian people from the Gaza Strip. In a statement released today, the Arab Parliament emphatically asserted that there is no acceptance of a return to the Nakba scenario, emphasizing that Gaza is an integral part of Palestinian land and will steadfastly remain so within the framework of a fully sovereign Palestinian state.

The Parliament, in its statement, decried the racist remarks emanating from certain extremist ministers within the Israeli occupation government. These ministers have called for the displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, the reoccupation of the region, and the establishment of settlements. The Arab Parliament characterized these statements as barbaric, reflective of the racist nature of the occupation, and contributors to heightened tension and conflict in the region. Furthermore, it emphasized that such statements constitute a blatant violation of international and humanitarian laws, as well as resolutions of international legitimacy.

Calling upon the international community to act decisively, the Arab Parliament urged measures to counter forced displacement plans and to cease the genocidal war against the Palestinian people. The statement urged the international community to address the basic humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people, lift the siege imposed by Israeli occupation forces, activate international accountability mechanisms against the occupation government, and hold its extremist leaders accountable as war criminals. The Arab Parliament's stance underscores a commitment to defending the rights and sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the face of oppressive measures and violations.

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