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  • Ahmed Saleh

GCC Secretary-General: ICJ ruling confirms Israeli brutal crimes in Gaza

Riyadh, January 27, 2024, Jasem Mohammad Albudaiwi, the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), has emphasized the significance of the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) recent ruling against Israel, characterizing it as a confirmation of Israel's severe transgressions against the Palestinian populace in the Gaza Strip.

Albudaiwi's comments followed the ICJ's decisive ruling in favor of South Africa's lawsuit, which asserted that Israel's actions in its Gaza Strip campaign may have breached the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Applauding the Hague-based court for its meticulous documentation of these crimes in the historic verdict, Albudaiwi underscored the court's commitment to monitoring the case and making subsequent decisions contingent upon Israel's adherence to the ruling.

In line with international laws and treaties, particularly the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Albudaiwi asserted that Israel had violated these agreements by targeting civilian institutions and hospitals, resulting in the loss of numerous innocent lives in the Gaza Strip.

The GCC Secretary-General expressed gratitude for the commendable efforts of the friendly Republic of South Africa and the distinguished legal team involved in preparing and pursuing the case.

Albudaiwi stressed the immediate need for the international community, across all institutions and organizations, to ensure Israel's compliance with the ICJ's verdict. He called for an immediate cessation of Israel's military assaults on the Gaza Strip, the prevention of further displacement of the Palestinian people, and the provision of essential assistance for a dignified life.

Affirming the commitment of GCC member states, Albudaiwi reiterated their support for the Palestinian people in attaining their legitimate rights. This commitment aligns with the principles outlined in the Arab Peace Initiative and relevant international resolutions, advocating for the establishment of an independent and internationally-recognized Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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