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  • Ahmed Saleh

Saudi and UK officials strengthen cultural ties with collaborative agreement signing

London, February 15, 2024, In a significant development fostering cultural ties between Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom, Assistant Minister of Culture, Rakan bin Ibrahim Al-Tawq, and Ian Blatchford, the Director and Chief Executive of Britain's Science Museum Group, officially sealed a collaborative agreement. The momentous signing took place during the official visit of Saudi Minister of Culture, Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan, to the UK, highlighting the commitment to strengthen cultural relations and cooperation between the two nations.

The executive program outlined in the agreement encompasses various facets aimed at deepening collaboration and facilitating cultural exchange. One of the key objectives is the development and training of capabilities, emphasizing the importance of skill enhancement in the cultural sector. Additionally, the program underscores the significance of knowledge transfer, particularly in the realm of museums, emphasizing the exchange of expertise and best practices between the two entities.

This strategic partnership aligns with the broader goal of fostering mutual understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage. By facilitating joint initiatives and projects, both Saudi Arabia and the UK aspire to create a robust platform for cultural enrichment and cross-cultural learning. The agreement reflects a shared commitment to nurturing cultural diplomacy and fostering a deeper connection between the people of Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom.

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