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  • Ahmed Saleh

Saudi Arabia engages in UN cybercrime convention negotiations in New York

New York, February 20, 2024, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia actively participated in the UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime negotiations, convened in New York from January 29 to February 9, 2024. This committee has been charged with the pivotal task of crafting an international convention aimed at addressing the rising threat of cybercrime.

Throughout the negotiations, considerable attention was directed towards sculpting the various provisions of the forthcoming convention, which is slated for submission to the UN General Assembly for ratification. Once finalized, the convention will be made available for signature by all UN member states as well as regional economic integration organizations.

At the heart of this convention lies a collective aspiration to bolster preventive measures, provide technical support, and foster capacity building initiatives in order to effectively thwart and combat cybercrime. Moreover, it seeks to fortify international cooperation in this domain, recognizing the inherently transnational nature of cyber threats.

Saudi Arabia emerged as a proactive contributor during the negotiations, offering several proposals towards the drafting of the convention. Collaborating closely with fellow Arab nations, the Kingdom championed various issues outlined within the draft convention, underscoring its commitment to fostering unified Arab action in cybersecurity.

The establishment of the Council of Arab Ministers of Cybersecurity in 2023, under the auspices of the Arab League, stands as a testament to Saudi Arabia's leadership in this arena. With its headquarters situated in Riyadh, the council, borne out of a proposal put forth by Saudi Arabia, comprises a General Secretariat and an Executive Office, signaling a concerted effort to galvanize regional collaboration in addressing cyber threats.

Representatives from over 140 countries converged at the negotiations, with Saudi Arabia prominently represented by a delegation led by the National Cybersecurity Authority, alongside various other national entities. This robust engagement underscores the Kingdom's unwavering commitment to fostering a secure cyber landscape, both domestically and on the global stage.

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